2025 Trials for U8 to Reserves + U6 & U7 Registration
MetroStars are pleased to confirm the details for Trials for 2025.
Dear Players and Parents,
On behalf of the Management Committee, I would like to welcome you to North Eastern MetroStars. We wish you all the best for the pre-season trials and look forward to having an excellent 2025 season.
Please read this information carefully as it forms the framework for the trials, club expectations and registration process for the 2025 season.
Trials are open to all current players at the club and new players.
After reading the information, should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself (juniors@metrostars.com.au) or the club’s Administration Officer (admin@metrostars.com.au).
Yours in Sport,
Maree Roumeliotis
Juniors Co-ordinator
Register Online Only
Prior to attending trials, ALL players are to register online.
To register, please visit
U6 and U7s – Registrations are now FULL
U8 to U17s, U18 and Reserves – http://www.trybooking.com/CTWIG
On your nominated day of trial, please report to clubrooms to sign in before you commence. You will receive a name badge and be advised of your trial location. Under no circumstances are individuals to go directly to the coaches.