MetroStars proudly supporting Canteen

CanTeen is here for you if you are a young person and cancer has turned your world upside down.
MetroStars has also chosen to support CanTeen in our anniversary year and the CanTeen logo will proudly appear on the playing kit of MetroStars teams in 2020.
Today, 1.1 million Australians are living with or beyond cancer. That’s one in every 22 people.
Just when life should be full of possibilities, cancer crashes into a young person’s world and shatters everything.Cancer makes them grow up too fast and weighs them down with worries they’re not supposed to have yet.
CanTeen is the game changer. They help young people cope with cancer in their family.Through CanTeen, young people learn to explore and deal with their feelings about cancer and connect with other young people in the same boat.If they’ve been diagnosed themselves, CanTeen also provide specialist, youth-specific treatment teams.
By feeling understood and supported, young people develop resilience and can rebuild the foundations that crumbled beneath them when cancer turned their life upside down.That’s how CanTeen is the difference.
CanTeen works by having young people at the centre of everything they do. CanTeen was founded by a group of young cancer patients in 1985 and still have young people affected by cancer guiding the organisation at every level. Combined with their leading edge research into the emotional and social impacts of cancer, it ensures that they truly understand how cancer is different in a young person’s world.
For more information or to get support, go online at, email CanTeen at or call 1800 835 932.
If you wish to support MetroStars CanTeen fundraiser, please donate here.