Notice of 2018 Annual General Meeting
YOUR CLUB – YOUR SAY – 2018 Annual General Meeting
In only it’s short existence, North Eastern MetroStars have become one of Australia’s most successful Football clubs.
The club’s history dates back to 1994, when a meeting in a snack bar saw the merging of ex-patriots of the West Side Calabrian Club and the East Side Eagles, all who shared a common dream, to create a football club that friends and family can enjoy. Since this time the club has grown in membership and football strength to become one of the best Football clubs in Australia.
With a new master plan incorporating a synthetic pitch, lighting upgrade and the future addition of more pitches and change rooms, North Eastern MetroStars is on the forefront of becoming a Football powerhouse. A Government grant has ensured that the journey of our masterplan is underway. We have also recently secured a full time office manager to drive the day to day operation of the club. Coupled with increased sponsorship from our supporters and the continued performance of our seniors and strong technical development of our juniors, North Eastern MetroStars is well regarded within the Football Community.
This is your opportunity to take a leadership role in the club and help drive North Eastern MetroStars to new heights!
North Eastern MetroStars is a not-for-profit organisation managed by a committed group of volunteers for the benefit of our members and the local community.
A Management Committee consisting of elected members, overseen by Club Officers made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, administer the objectives of the Club. The Management Committee meets at least monthly and is responsible for the administration and future planning of the Club. The Management Committee represents the interests of the entire club and is answerable to Procurators Board and its club members at each AGM. MetroStars is an incorporated association governed by a Constitution.
With support from our volunteers, sponsors and committee members we work hard to create a fun and safe environment for all our players and coaches, both junior and senior.
On November 13 North Eastern MetroStars will be holding our Annual General Meeting. Nominations are now open for roles on the management committee.
By accepting a role on the management committee, you are ensuring that you have the opportunity to help drive the club further. From President to ordinary committee member, all roles will help shape the club for both 2019 and the future.
Interested in further information about the committee roles? Speak to any of the existing committee members today!
Don’t miss out this great opportunity – nominate for a committee role today.
MetroStars 2018 Annual General Meeting
Date: Tuesday 13th November 2018
Time: 7:30PM
Venue: MetroStars Clubrooms, T.k. Shutter Reserve, Fourth Avenue, Klemzig